
Adam Cole Details Last-Minute Nature Of His WWE SmackDown Match With Daniel Bryan In 2019

Cole had to rush to SmackDown

Adam Cole has opened up on how quickly his match with Daniel Bryan on WWE SmackDown in November 2019 came together. 

With most of the WWE roster stuck in Saudi Arabia, WWE had to quickly pivot and made the 1 November 2019 SmackDown an episode where NXT was heavily involved.

The main event of the show saw NXT Champion Cole defend the Title against Daniel Bryan, but it wasn't until earlier that afternoon that Cole knew he was even required for the blue brand.

Speaking on Oral Sessions with Renee Paquette, Cole said: "I got in there and Paul Heyman and Brock Lesnar were in the ring cutting a promo. The whole day was nuts. I remember it was 1:30 in the afternoon and I’m walking around just having a normal afternoon. Just very relaxed. And I get a call and they go ‘you need to get on this airplane by 3 o’clock and you need to go to this airport.’ And the airport was an hour away. I had 30 minutes to pack everything, get ready to go. I got there, we wait forever, the plane took forever to take off.

“We’re up in the air and we still don’t know what we’re doing. I don’t know if I’m wrestling Bryan, I don’t know what’s going on. None of us know anything. Some of us kind of find out that we’re wrestling, but we’re not sure what we’re doing.

"So I’m sitting besides Shawn Michaels, whose trying to figure out what I’m doing while I’m putting my boots on 30,000 feet up in the air. We got a police escort to the venue. We’re speeding through everything and there’s cop cars with lights on. It was so nuts. Such a nuts day.

"The fan in me was so excited to get the chance to get in there with him, which was really cool. And the funny thing is too, I wouldn’t have changed the circumstance at all. It was perfect. It was this crazy, chaotic ‘oh my god, what are we going to do? Okay let’s just let Adam Cole and Daniel Bryan go nuts.’ It was so much fun, so much fun."

H/T Wrestling Inc.

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Mitch Waddon

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Editor In Chief at Cultaholic.com