
Alexander Wolfe: I Missed The Chance To Build A Relationship With Vince McMahon In WWE

Wolfe departed WWE last month

Alexander Wolfe believes he missed the opportunity to build a relationship with Vince McMahon in WWE, which may have contributed in his lack of utilisation on the main roster.

Wolfe - real name Axel Tischer - was told by WWE last month that they would not be extending his contract, and believes the failure to get McMahon to invest in him did not help that situation.

Speaking to Fightful, Wolfe said: “I missed building up a relationship with him. As a foreigner, my English is not perfect and I stumble over my words. I’m more a quiet guy in the back. I’m like a soldier, you tell me what to do and in my best ability, I will do it. 

"I tried (to talk to him) a couple of times and had one or two conversations with him, man-to-man, which went great and I left with a good feeling. he was very nice to me and I cannot tell any bad story about the man, but I missed building up a relationship. We tried to do that at the beginning but he wasn’t present at that time because he had meetings. It was around the time they negotiated for the Fox deal because SmackDown was still on Tuesday at the time. I think it was because of that. 

"Sometimes, Hunter was around. Sometimes, nobody was around besides the next guy in charge, which I guess was Michael Hayes. We didn’t have a good chance to introduce ourselves and on one SmackDown, we came back from the curtain and [Vince] was there. A random, ‘hello, thank you very much, something you want to change?’ When the live television production is running, he doesn’t have a lot of time to sit down and focus on three dudes who just came up, he wants to keep the show going. 

"Later, I feel like I missed the opportunity to introduce myself and it was a little too late. You have to do it because he’s the boss and he wants to invest. You don’t invest in things you don’t know or you’re not familiar with."

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Mitch Waddon

Written by Mitch Waddon

Editor In Chief at Cultaholic.com