
Arn Anderson Reveals Why He Stayed With WWE For So Long

The Enforcer worked as a WWE backstage producer from 2001 until 2019

AEW’s Arn Anderson recently sat down once again to record the Arn Podcast with Conrad Thompson, with the two talking about WWE WrestleMania 32. Talk also touched upon Arn’s son Brock Lunde, with Arn getting Brock ready for a professional wrestling career. 

“[Brock] has been signed to a developmental contract and he’s continuing to train,” Anderson said. “He is at all the TVs and he’s been around the coaches room, he hangs out a little bit during the day and he has the opportunity to be in the room with Dean Malenko, Dustin Rhodes, myself, Jake The Snake Roberts, Jerry Lynn. All sitting around bullshitting but you can imagine the number of years of experience and stories he’s getting to hear sitting in that room and the knowledge he can acquire just listening.

“He’s a real student of the business, he watches everything, listens to podcasts and he really works hard in the gym, he has certainly by-passed me. He’s picking up the basics and fundamentals, when he’s ready to debut, we’re always super critical of new talent that we see. Wrestling fans are fair but judgemental, they will judge him accordingly. He won’t be without training and having paid some dues. He’s not going to get any special treatment and I think you’ll be happy with the product you see. I’m real proud of his success so far.”

It was because of Brock that Arn stayed with WWE so long, as there was no other major company in America for Brock to learn the ropes: 

 “It was one of the reasons I was holding on as tightly as I did in WWE because there was no AEW,” Anderson said. “I was just trying to stay connected in the business, get him through college and get him a position with NXT and the camp down there. I wanted to get him started in the business and once he got settled in, then if nobody wants me anymore, I’ll be happy to go home and be a fan and watch him with everybody else.

“That’s one of the things I’m really looking forward to and I want to see him contribute to the business in a very positive way. It’s one of the things I’m looking forward to.”

Credit: The Arn Podcast
H/T: Wrestling Inc. for the transcription

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Written by Jack Atkins

Scripts, news, and features writer. Anything with words, basically.