
Bret Hart Says WWE's Vince McMahon "Got Sick Of Tag Team Wrestling"

He thinks McMahon "kind of singlehandedly killed a part of the wrestling business"...

In recent years, the WWE main roster has featured some widely praised tag team matches involving the likes of The New Day, The Usos, The Street Profits and The Bar. One criticism levelled at the company, though, is that tag team wrestling sometimes comes across as somewhat of an afterthought on WWE TV.

During a recent edition of Confessions Of The Hitman, Bret Hart talked about tag team wrestling during his in-ring career and noted he feels like the division has been allowed to "die out a little."

The Excellence Of Execution said: "There were so many great teams. It's sad if you look at tag team wrestling today, where it [has] gone because they let it die out a little. But it always had its own history and its own style. A tag team wrestling match is so much different than any match on the card. It's a completely different kind of strategy to the match and building it up. And the matchups - there are four guys in the ring and you team up Andre [The Giant] and Haku, as an example, against me and Jim 'The Anvil'. It's like, people go, 'What's going to happen in this?' Me and Jim working over Andre can happen. Two guys on one. It was just fun to play up the psychology of how would The Hart Foundation fare against that team or The Rougeaus? They tag in and out all the time and they have a certain style." 

Hart later noted that he is under the impression Vince McMahon "got sick of tag team wrestling." 

"I think it's my understanding that Vince McMahon got sick of tag team wrestling and is no longer a fan of it," Hart added. "And that's so sad that he kind of singlehandedly killed a part of the wrestling business that was so important."

H/T to Wrestling Inc. for the transcription 

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Aidan Gibbons

Written by Aidan Gibbons

Editor-in-Chief of Cultaholic.com Twitter: @theaidangibbons