Cody Reveals The AEW TNT Championship Belt Will Be Finished By August 12

The belt debuted in an unfinished state at Double Or Nothing 2020...

Back at Double Or Nothing 2020, All Elite Wrestling unveiled the TNT Championship belt ahead of crowning the inaugural champion. Fans were notably underwhelmed by the strap and compared it to the WWE 24/7 Championship.

It quickly emerged that the belt hadn't been finished in time for the pay-per-view because of the ongoing coronavirus pandemic as the nickel platers used by RED Leather were solely working on respirators and equipment for the emergency services. 

RED Leather wrote: "Accurate image of the TNT belt made by myself. Unfortunately due to Covid-19 the platers I used are working on skeleton crews and can only work on respirators/emergency equipment. Once regular business resumes this belt will get some much needed highlights in nickel and gold as well as a relief TNT logo. Warning: Vulgar comments will be deleted and the owners of the comments banned. Honest opinions good or bad are fine.

"They announced it would be done for Double or nothing. I was asked it I could get it done by then and I said yes. Then Covid19 happened and it made nickel plating impossible so I was told to do the best I could and while it’s not what the end result will be it’s still a reminder of Cody’s accomplishment and a testimony that even during a pandemic we will not stop doing the best we can with what we have."

Fans won't have to look at the unfinished title for much longer, however, as Cody Rhodes revealed on Twitter that the belt will be completed by August 12. 

The American Nightmare tweeted: "August 12th (saw a nice video of the plates, very elegant)." 

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Aidan Gibbons

Written by Aidan Gibbons

Editor-in-Chief of Twitter: @theaidangibbons