
Drew McIntyre: It Was An Honour To Help Cement Bobby Lashley As WWE Champion

The two feuded earlier this year

Drew McIntyre says it was 'an honour' for him to work with and help cement Bobby Lashley as a credible WWE Champion on Raw.

McIntyre and Lashley feuded throughout early 2021, after Lashley attacked the Scotsman at the close of Elimination Chamber 2021, allowing The Miz to cash in and become WWE Champion.

The All Mighty would win the Title from The Miz two weeks later, setting up an intense rivalry between Lashley and McIntyre that ran from WrestleMania 37 until the main event of Hell In A Cell in June.

McIntyre is delighted to have worked with an athlete of Lashley's calibre and is thrilled he could help establish the All Mighty as a fully deserving champion in the eyes of the WWE Universe.

Speaking with Sports Illustrated, he said: "I had an opportunity to help cement Bobby as champion, and to do that for a top-level performer was an honour. I’m extremely happy for him, he’s someone that earned and deserves all his success."

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Mitch Waddon

Written by Mitch Waddon

Editor In Chief at Cultaholic.com