
Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic Begins At NXT Tapings (Weeks Of Spoilers Within)

WWE announced through their NXT Twitter account on Wednesday evening that The Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic would be returning for 2019, its fourth iteration.

The tweet noted four teams that would be competing in the tournament: The Undisputed Era (Kyle O'Reilly and Bobby Fish), The Forgotten Sons (Steve Cutler and Wesley Blake), Fabian Aichner and Marcel Barthel, and The Street Profits.


(All results therein come from attendee Jacob Cohen)


The tapings revealed the four other duos: Oney Lorcan and Danny Burch, Moustache Mountain, Aleister Black and Ricochet, and DIY. The latter duo came together for the tournament through Tommaso Ciampa coercing Johnny Gargano, reminding him how the 2016 tournament was how it all started for them. The two even wore their DIY gear and entered to their old music during the tapings.

The tournament so far went as follows:

Quarterfinals: Ricochet/Black def. Aichner/Barthel, Forgotten Sons def. Lorcan/Burch, Moustache Mountain def. Street Profits, DIY def. Undisputed Era

Semifinals: Forgotten Sons def. Moustache Mountain, Ricochet/Black def. DIY (after Ricochet pinned Ciampa)

Forgotten Sons vs. Ricochet/Black is now set for the final.

After DIY's loss, Ciampa and Candice LeRae helped Gargano up to the stage, at which time Ciampa turned on Gargano and tried to throw him into the tron once again. However, Gargano showed that he was playing possum, and threw Ciampa into the tron instead. Gargano then posed with Candice, and indicated that he would be challenging for Ciampa's NXT World title, presumably at TakeOver New York.

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Justin Henry

Written by Justin Henry

In addition to writing lists and commentaries for Cultaholic, Justin is also a features writer and interviewer for Fighting Spirit Magazine, and is co-author of the WWE-related book Titan Screwed: Lost Smiles, Stunners, and Screwjobs.