
Eddie Kingston Loves People Getting Mad When He Mentions WWE

Eddie Kingston’s ‘trashing’ of WWE gets fans angry

Eddie Kingston is arguably the best promo currently plying his trade in the wrestling industry.

‘The Mad King’ is known for speaking his mind and speaking from the heart, and that has included several not-so-subtle shots at WWE. Some fans don’t take too kindly to Kingston disparaging WWE, but as he told Freddie Prinze Jr. on Wrestling With Freddie, Kingston enjoys it when people get mad:

“Side note, I love how mad people get when I mention anything in WWE. I love it,” Kingston said. “Oh God, when I say ‘sports entertainer,’ they are like, ‘F you, I hope you die,’ and I'm sitting there laughing, because I'm like, c’mon, I got you. I have friends at WWE, do you think I want that place to shut down? Absolutely not! I want my friends to eat. I just do things to stir it up.”

Subtle digs between rival wrestling promotions is commonplace, and has been for decades, and as Kingston says, most wrestlers are friends regardless of where they work, so any ‘dig’ is usually taken on the chin.

H/T: Fightful

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Written by Jack Atkins

Scripts, news, and features writer. Anything with words, basically.