
Eric Bischoff Had Dressing Room Set Up For Vince McMahon At WCW Slamboree 1998

Bischoff challenged McMahon to a fight on WCW ppv

Eric Bischoff has revealed that he had a dressing room set up for Vince McMahon just in case the WWE Chairman did actually show up to fight him at WCW Slamboree 1998.

Bischoff, the WCW President at the time, challenged McMahon to a match at the WCW pay-per-view and has previously spoken about not being worried if the WWE chairman beat him up, knowing how good it would be for ratings.

While McMahon did not attend the event, Bischoff says he had made all the necessary arrangements just in case he did. 

Speaking to fellow WWE Hall Of Famers Gerald Brisco and JBL on Stories With Brisco And Bradshaw, Bischoff said: "Had I known Vince then the way I know Vince now I might have approached things differently because he is kind of a crazy b*stard.

"But at the time to me, he was just a big jacked-up, muscled-up gym guy. Not to sound like a tough guy because that sh*t is way behind me but I bounced in a bar in downtown Chicago, I’ve fought guys bigger and stronger than me a lot in my life. […] I wasn’t afraid of Vince at all, I wasn’t intimidated by him and mostly because my thinking was ‘look if he shows up whether he kicks my ass or it goes the other way, I don’t really care because it’s gonna be huge!'

“I had a dressing room for him, nameplate on the door. I instructed Doug Dillinger - the head of security - and the security team ‘if they show up, escort them to the room like any other celebrity, provide them with every courtesy that we would anybody else that was a celebrity, take care of them.'"

H/T Inside The Ropes

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