
Goldberg "Done" Apologising To Bret Hart

Goldberg can only apologise so many times

Bret Hart has never forgiven Goldberg for ending his career and The Hitman has repeatedly noted that the two-time Universal Champion cost him $16 million when he gave him a career-ending concussion in their Starrcade 1999 match, alongside calling Goldberg dangerous and sloppy. 

Goldberg has repeatedly apologised to Hart for what happened at the World Championship Wrestling pay-per-view but now Da' Man is done apologising, he revealed on Talk Is Jericho

"Yeah, but I get it. I mean, I understand to a point. But I'm like yeah, 100%. Bret Hart is still up there, man. He's an idol to anybody and everybody who would have ever been in this business. I'm a human being like everybody else. There was absolutely no malicious intent whatsoever. None. Zero. So does it bother me? Yeah. I'll take it to my grave," Goldberg said.

"But also, I gotta say, man. I am kinda at a turning point. I am done saying I'm sorry. I have said it a million times. I am not gonna continue to tear myself down. I'm done. I said I'm sorry. If he can't accept my apology, it is what it is. You gotta move on. And I've moved on. So I won't be breaching this subject too much more."

Bret Hart continued to perform while still concussed following the match before taking time off from January 10, 2000. WCW terminated Hart's contract later that year shortly before The Excellence of Execution announced his retirement. 

H/T to SEScoops

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Editor-in-Chief of Cultaholic.com Twitter: @theaidangibbons