
Jon Moxley Reveals What It's Like To Wrestle A Match While Vince McMahon Is Producing A WWE Show Backstage

IWGP United States Heavyweight Champion is in the G1 Climax...

Jon Moxley has been rather outspoken since leaving WWE in the weeks following WrestleMania 35.

The current IWGP United States Heavyweight Champion almost broke the internet thanks to his appearance on Talk Is Jericho back in May, where he aired his grievances about Vince McMahon's creative process in WWE.

Now, in an interview with ESPN, Moxley, who will take on Kenny Omega at AEW All Out on August 31, has revealed what it's like to wrestle a match in WWE while Vince is at Gorilla Position: “It’s almost like Vince is in the ring with you, the producer is in the ring with you," Mox said.

“It’s like you have two little bubbles on your shoulder, like three heads in the ring. All of a sudden when I got in the ring [in New Japan], five minutes into the match I was like, there’s no chatter. There was no producer-ref-Vince chatter. It was like silence. And I didn’t expect that.

"I was like, 'Whoa, I'm alone again. It's just me in the ring.' And then I just started beating the [crap] out of Juice and I was like, 'Oh yeah, this is what I used to do.'"

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Ross Tweddell

Written by Ross Tweddell

Written and video journalist for Cultaholic Wrestling | twitter: @rossonrasslin | instagram: @rossonrasslin