
Ken Shamrock Reveals WWE Angles He Turned Down

There were some WWE angles Ken Shamrock refused to do

As a member of the WWE roster during the wild and woolly Attitude Era, Ken Shamrock was presented with various controversial ideas for angles and storylines. Some of them he felt uncomfortable doing and promptly turned down. 

Speaking with Steve Fall on the Ten Count podcast, The World's Most Dangerous Man revealed which angles he said 'no' to, including a match with WWE Hall of Famer Chyna. 

"At that time after the thing that happened with Bret [Hart], they had some other things they wanted me to do, like wrestling with Chyna. My kids were five, seven, and nine, or something like that at the time. I had always told them, 'You don't hit girls'. They were going to school and the kids believed that wrestling was real, and so then they wanted me to go in there and fight Chyna, and I was like, 'I can't do that'"

The former UFC star later turned down another pitch that he felt would have negatively affected his family, saying: 

"Then there was another thing. They wanted me to do this incest angle with Alicia [Webb], who played my sister. If I wasn't married and had kids and all this stuff, I would've done it, but just not for me. I was already in the mainstream, I had already built my name, I was already down the road, I already had a family, and that just wasn't for me".

Shamrock left WWE in late 1999 in order to return to the Octagon. He hasn't been seen in WWE since, though the former Intercontinental Champion would be open to a return. 

H/T Wrestling Inc.

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Lewis Howse

Written by Lewis Howse

Features journalist for Cultaholic.com and script writer for the Cultaholic YouTube Channel.