
Kurt Angle: WWE Writers Told Me I Had To Make My Hall Of Fame Speech Entertaining 5 Minutes Before I Did It

Angle was inducted in 2017

Kurt Angle has revealed how WWE writers told him to make his Hall Of Fame speech more entertaining just five minutes before he went on stage. 

Angle was inducted into the Hall Of Fame in 2017 and gave one of the best speeches in recent memory, singing the infamous 'Sexy Kurt' before dowsing himself in milk. 

The Olympic Gold Medallist has now admitted those two aspects were very late additions to his speech, after writers told him he needed to do something entertaining.

Speaking on the latest episode of the Kurt Angle Podcast, he said: "It was so much fun. I got to relive my past, you know, doing the milk segment with two half-gallons of milk and throwing them back and the cowboy hat. Also, singing Sexy Kurt.

"The crazy thing is, five minutes before my speech, the writers came into my green room and said, 'Hey, we need you to be very entertaining.' I'm like, 'I already have my speech ready.' They're like, 'Well, is there anything entertaining in it?' I said, 'Well, it's a bunch of thank yous.' They're like, 'No, you got to do something entertaining.'

"I said, 'What do you want me to do?' They said, 'If you need anything, tell us and we'll get it for you.' I said, 'I'm on in five minutes.' They said, 'We'll get it for you before the five minutes is up.' I said, 'Well, get me two quarts of milk and a cowboy hat.' They said, 'That's all you need?' I said, 'Yes.'

"So I did the Hall of Fame speech and I added the cowboy hat in and sang Sexy Kurt and then drank the milk at the end. I was really happy with the turnout of my Hall of Fame speech. If those writers didn't come in and tell me that five minutes before, my speech wouldn't have been entertaining at all. That's all it was, was a bunch of thank yous."

H/T Fightful

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