
Matt Jackson Believes Wrestling Has The Most Toxic Fanbase In The World

A toxic fanbase, Matt Jackson believes

Appearing on What Women Binge, Matt Jackson and wife Dana discussed wrestling fans and the former AEW World Tag Team Champion revealed his brother Nick recently had his bag stolen.

"The other week, my brother's bag disappeared. Entire bag, gone. He's still - he'll never get it back, like, the whole bag is gone and the number is erased so we think someone's onto us now at the airports. Like, I think we did a little too much bragging online about, 'Look, we have all these great expensive shoes'. I think they found us,'" Matt said.

Jackson then discussed wrestling fans as a whole, saying: "Wrestling has the most toxic fanbase in the world. They're the worst. Honestly, like, there's a lot of good fans. The ones that love you, love you. But the ones that hate you, they hate you."

Jackson was one of the founders of All Elite Wrestling back in January 2019. He and brother Nick as The Young Bucks recently unsuccessfully challenged for the tag team title at Revolution.

H/T to Wrestling Inc. 

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Aidan Gibbons

Written by Aidan Gibbons

Editor-in-Chief of Twitter: @theaidangibbons