
Nikki Cross Praises Drake Maverick And SAnitY For Their Impact On Her WWE Career

Cross hailed the former 24/7 Champion and her old stablemates

Nikki Cross has hailed the influence on her career that Drake Maverick and her time in SAnitY have had. 

The former Women's Tag Team champion says it was Maverick who showed her how to make the most of every single opportunity she gets in WWE. 

Cross also says a key aspect of her development came during her run with SAnitY alongside Eric Young, Alexander Wolfe and her real-life husband Killian Dain, saying the time with them allowed her to pick their brains and learn.

Cross told Metro: "I met him when he was Rockstar Spud – we crossed paths a lot. I was actually able to learn a lot from Drake.

"That mentality, that scrappy – that excitement for sports entertainment, for WWE, for professional wrestling. I think a lot of that, he did influence me. I feel like even as a child, whether it was doing drama in high school, doing PE, performing, dancing – I was at dancing school for 10 years, and I always give it my all."

"I’m unbelievably so grateful for my time with Sanity. I don’t know if I would be a two-time women’s tag team champion without them because they allowed me to grow and pick their brain. They helped me develop so much as a person and a performer."

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Mitch Waddon

Written by Mitch Waddon

Editor In Chief at Cultaholic.com