
Report: Disappointment Over WWE NXT 2.0's Decline In 18-49 Demo

Struggling to attract a younger audience so far

Citing a source, Andrew Zarian of the Mat Men Pro Wrestling Podcast has noted there is disappointment over NXT 2.0's struggles in the key 18-49 demographic, but there is hope it's just "a bump in the road."

Zarian tweeted: "Spoke to a source this morning regarding NXT's direction & what the expectations are. 'The is all to bring a new younger viewer who is connected with pop culture & trends. Needless to say, the demo numbers are disappointing but we are hopeful this is just a bump in the road.'"

WWE's developmental brand recently underwent major changes and was relaunched as NXT 2.0. The first episode since the revamp on September 14 drew an estimated 275,000 viewers in the key 18-49 demographic. Viewership has tumbled by 38 percent since then, though, and the October 5 show only averaged 170,000 viewers in the demo, drawing the fourth-lowest rating in 18-49 since the show started airing on USA Network in September 2019. 

Overall viewership has also fallen but viewers over 50-years-old have continued to tune in, giving the October 5 episode a median viewer age of 62. 

What will be disappointing for WWE is NXT 2.0's long-term strategy is to attract viewers in the 18-34 demo and Jon Alba noted NXT was rebranded to try and bring in a younger audience. Thus far, WWE has tried to appeal to that demo with an edgier product following direct encouragement from Vince McMahon

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Aidan Gibbons

Written by Aidan Gibbons

Editor-in-Chief of Cultaholic.com Twitter: @theaidangibbons