
Riddle Unconcerned About Losing His First Name In WWE

Matt walked off into the sunset last year

Back in October 2020, Matt Riddle became the latest Superstar on the WWE main roster to have their name shortened, joining the likes of Big E, Cesaro and Otis. 

The Original Bro has been known as just 'Riddle' ever since and the new Raw Tag Team Champion admitted on the Battleground Podcast that the name change wasn't a hill he was willing to die on. 

"You know, I think the problem really came in that they didn't know they wanted to call me Matt Riddle or Matthew Riddle. Honestly, my whole life I've been called Riddle, you know, because there's a lot of Matts, there's only a couple Riddles. So every sports team I was on, every wrestling team I was on, even when I did jujitsu, or fought in the UFC people just called me Riddle. So for me, it worked," Riddle stated.

"I know a lot of fans were very upset about it. But I was like, people have been calling me that. It's my last name, it's not like it's a fake last name. It's still my real name. Honestly, people hated it at first, but it's catching on. Riddle's a pretty sweet name. I'll tell you this. There are certain battles you fight, right? You'll fight hard and you'll die on that hill. Losing my first name isn't one of those hills I'm ready to die on."

Since the name change, Riddle has enjoyed success on Monday Night Raw. He held the United States Championship for 49 days earlier this year and The Original Bro captured the Raw Tag Team Title with RK-Bro teammate Randy Orton at SummerSlam on August 21. 

H/T to Fightful

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Written by Aidan Gibbons

Editor-in-Chief of Cultaholic.com Twitter: @theaidangibbons