
Sarah Logan Details Her Final Meeting With WWE Chairman Vince McMahon

Logan left WWE in April 2020

Sarah Logan has opened up on her final meeting with WWE Chairman Vince McMahon following her release from the company. 

Logan departed WWE in April 2020 amid COVID-19 budget cuts by the promotion. Logan had been a feature in the Riott Squad but was one of a host of talent who left WWE at this time. 

Logan has now revealed that she went to see McMahon after her release from WWE was confirmed and said that, while she had all intention of being mean to the Chairman, ended up thanking him for the opportunity.

Speaking to Renee Paquette on Oral Sessions, Logan said: "My final days in WWE, I actually went into Vince's office and I had it in my brain that I was going to go in there and be mean and give him a piece of my mind. I went in there and was the most professional POS that I've ever been in my life. 

"Wrestling doesn't owe me anything and it's given me more than I could have hoped for. I went in there and was like, 'this has always been my dream job. I lived it. It's given me my best friend and husband and now a child. Thank you and I hope we meet again someday.' I shook his hand and left.

"I couldn't sit there and act like I was p*ssed. Was I heartbroken? Yes, but I had the best time of my life there and my life is still getting better."

H/T Fightful

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Mitch Waddon

Written by Mitch Waddon

Editor In Chief at Cultaholic.com