
Seth Rollins Comments On WWE Fan Sentiment During His Last Face Run

Seth Rollins believes the natural reaction of dislike means it is especially difficult to portray an effective face character in WWE today. 

Rollins was the latest internet darling heading into WrestleMania 35 after a thrilling run as Intercontinental champion, winning the 2019 Men's Royal Rumble before defeating Brock Lesnar at the event for the Universal Championship. 

However, 'The Architect' quickly lost the vocal fan support as interest in his presentation waned, with the creative direction of his feud with 'The Fiend' Bray Wyatt proving especially unhelpful for his face persona. 

Rollins was quickly turned heel after losing the Universal Championship, and the man himself has commented on the difficultly in remaining popular with the audience. 

Speaking to Ryan Satin's Out Of Character Podcast, Rollins said: "When you’re a babyface in this era, it is hard to keep people liking you. It is difficult because I think people’s natural reaction is, for whatever reason, to dislike almost everything, and I don’t know why that is. That’s what entertainment has turned into.

"So to be frustrated, unsatisfied, or not like something... that’s what’s cool – especially when you’re told you’re supposed to like it – and so it becomes pretty hard not to let that go to your head."

H/T SK Wrestling

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