
Seth Rollins Reveals The Advice He'd Give His Younger Self In WWE

Seth Rollins says he would advise his younger self to slow down and make sure to enjoy every moment of his career in WWE. 

Rollins has been part of the WWE main roster since late 2012, as part of The Shield, and burst into the main event scene in 2015 when he won the WWE Championship in the main event of WrestleMania 31.

The Architect has enjoyed some huge moments in his WWE career but Rollins says, if given the chance, he would tell his younger self to make sure he enjoys all the moments as they were happening, rather than being so focused on simply climbing the WWE ladder.

When asked the advice he would give his younger self, Rollins told Miguel Leiva of Planeta Wrestling: "I probably would have told myself to slow down a little bit. And not in the sense that I need to take more days off or anything like that, but man, the first few years of my career, I didn't really get a chance to fully enjoy what was going on around me.

"Yeah, I was so hyper-focused on ascending the ladder and getting myself in a position where I could be at the top of the food chain in WWE, and you know that's very stressful sometimes, so I just didn't take the time to enjoy the little things as they were happening to me.

"Then maybe even the big things I didn't take enough time to enjoy the moments and so consequently my memories of those things, like I said, talking about SummerSlam 2015 they're very surreal, they feel almost like they only exist in video form. As if I don't have actual memories of those moments, only the images that were taken of them. 

"So yeah, I think I would just tell myself to try to stop and smell the roses a little bit more when I was younger."

H/T SportsKeeda Wrestling

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Mitch Waddon

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