
Shawn Michaels' 5 Greatest WWE Rivalries

The Heartbreak Kid has stolen the show with many foes...

The Showstopper. The Icon. The Main Event. Mr. WrestleMania. When you consider how many times Shawn Michaels has delivered marquee-level performances in clutch situations over the years, there's little doubting his residence in WWE's theoretical God tier. For most wrestlers, to be listed as a participant in the "match of the year" is a humbling honour. For Michaels, it was business as usual back when he donned the tights. And generally, his name dotted the runners-up list as well.

But Michaels' greatest matches weren't just one-offs with the best in-ring performers around - there were stories, scintillating builds that made the eventual match-ups even greater. You either wanted to see babyface Shawn use his athletics and guile to take down his nemesis, or you wanted to see heel HBK get ripped apart like a mulleted pincushion. Michaels was every bit as effective a storyteller as he was a wrestler.

As a headline talent with a diverse array of opponents, Shawn Michaels has worked with some of pro wrestling's best and brightest. Here are his five greatest rivals ever.

5. Marty Jannetty

13305 rockers

The stop-start nature of the feud (due to Jannetty's personal issues) hindered what still managed to be an enjoyable grudge between ex-partners. Everyone remembers the beginning, where a sneering Michaels launched his Rockers partner through a plate-glass window.

It took months before Jannetty showed up looking for revenge, and the first half of 1993 pitted the two against each other in high profile bouts for Michaels' Intercontinental title. Jannetty's capturing of the gold marked the first title change in Monday Night Raw history.

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Justin Henry

Written by Justin Henry

In addition to writing lists and commentaries for Cultaholic, Justin is also a features writer and interviewer for Fighting Spirit Magazine, and is co-author of the WWE-related book Titan Screwed: Lost Smiles, Stunners, and Screwjobs.