
Sin Cara: WWE Doesn't Care About Mexican Or Latino Superstars

"And then you realise that they don't care about Latinos, or Mexicans - because simply they don't."

While WWE has excellent Mexican talent like Humberto Carrillo, Angel Garza and Gran Metalik on the books, no Mexican or Latino Superstars were in action at WrestleMania 37. 

Former WWE Superstar Sin Cara, now Cinta de Oro, addressed the lack of Mexican representation at The Showcase Of The Immortals during a chat with Inside The Ropes and he stated WWE doesn't care about Mexican or Latino wrestlers. 

"You know, the main Latino star at WrestleMania was Bad Bunny - and he's not even a wrestler. Great for him, right? You know, he did an amazing job and that was awesome but if I was a performer, if I was a wrestler, a Mexican wrestler, a Latino wrestler and I'm not there, then I would have been upset, really upset about it, because I've been there, I've been busting my butt, I've been doing everything to make sure that I get an opportunity and then you don't get it... It's tough, man, it's tough," the former Sin Cara said.

"And then you realise that they don't care about Latinos, or Mexicans - because simply they don't. No matter how much they say. If they want to do this, why is that? Why you don't even have a star, a Mexican star, in WrestleMania? Not even one. Not one."

Cinta de Oro also agreed with Andrade upon hearing about WWE's plans to expand into Mexico

"It's true. I mean, what, now they're saying that they want to go to Mexico and get more talent – for what? Sitting in catering? Doing the same thing? Putting us on the side - just because you can pay us, you want to keep us not achieving our dreams? And that's why he left. That was the main thing," Cinta de Oro added. 

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Aidan Gibbons

Written by Aidan Gibbons

Editor-in-Chief of Cultaholic.com Twitter: @theaidangibbons