
Stephanie McMahon: There's No Vince McMahon Successor In WWE

He's been in charge of WWE since 1982

Stephanie McMahon does not believe one person will be able to replace Vince McMahon when the time comes for him to step away from WWE. 

Vince has run the day-to-day operations in WWE since assuming control of the company from his father in 1982 and his daughter, the Chief Brand Officer for WWE, believes it will be impossible for just one individual to step into the role her father does, simply because of the amount he does. 

Speaking to Bloomberg Business of Sports, she said: "I do think a lot of the institutional knowledge is important, particularly with regards toward the core content. But it’s also surrounding our business with strong, smart executives. And that’s exactly what we have. 

"So I do think it’s the marriage of institutional knowledge, the incredible production value, the creation of talent IP and storylines and really strong business executives to help us expand. I think it’s a combination of things.

"I don’t think there will ever be a person to person replacement for Vince McMahon. He does too much. The landscape would look different however it shakes out. But I think it’s a marriage of those things."

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Mitch Waddon

Written by Mitch Waddon

Editor In Chief at Cultaholic.com