
Ted DiBiase Jr: I Consider Myself Retired But The Door Is Open For The Right Scenario

DiBiase stepped away from WWE in 2013

Ted DiBiase Jr says he considers himself retired from professional wrestling but could be tempted into a return with 'the right scenario'. 

DiBiase Jr, the son of the iconic Ted DiBiase, was fast-tracked into the WWE Raw main-roster picture in 2008 and quickly won the World Tag Team Championships alongside Cody Rhodes, before linking up with Randy Orton to form Legacy.

DiBiase would attempt to carry on his father's Million Dollar Legacy with the Million Dollar Championship but, upon the expiration of his contract in 2013, would elect to depart the company in order to spend more time with family. 

He would appear occasionally on the independent circuit but, when asked in an interview with Chris Van Vliet if he considers himself retired, DiBiase said: "I’ll say yeah. 

"As of today, I’ll say yes [that he’s retired], but if somebody called me, I’d be totally lying if I said there wasn’t an itch. I can still go, I just like to keep doors open and don’t burn bridges. If you’re going to burn one then blow it up. 

"My connection to that world, at times it’s like being married. Sometimes it’s this love-hate relationship. No, it’s hard, but it’s such a deep-rooted piece of who I am and what I come from being a 3rd generation wrestler. My grandfather and grandmother were wrestlers, then my father so you know. I leave that door open, but it would have to be the right scenario for me to get in the ring again."

H/T Fightful

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Editor In Chief at Cultaholic.com