
The Undertaker: Having My WWE Character Would Have Been Very Difficult With Social Media

'Taker retired at Survivor Series 2020

The Undertaker believes it would have been 'very difficult' to get his iconic character off the ground in the modern era, due to the nature of social media and everybody owning camera phones. 

The Undertaker gimmick came to life in 1990, with the man behind the character fully living it throughout his in-ring career, noting he only wore black when out in public and tried to avoid being seen in public scenarios. 

With social media playing such an active role in wrestling, and life, in today's world, 'Taker knows having such control over his character would have been much harder.

Speaking on Cold As Balls with Kevin Hart, 'Taker said: "It would have been very difficult for me to do things the way that I did them with social media along the whole way. You can't walk out on the street without somebody taking a picture and posting it.

"Even though I lived this gimmick. I mean, if you saw me in the airport in 1992, I can promise you I was dressed in black. Because I wanted people to always feel like whether they thought I was alive or dead, a zombie, or whatever they thought, I wanted them to think, he is not right."

H/T SportsKeeda Wrestling

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Written by Mitch Waddon

Editor In Chief at Cultaholic.com