
Triple H Challenges Elon Musk To A Match At 'WWE WrestleMania Mars'

Triple H v Elon Musk?!

Triple H has challenged Elon Musk to a match...on Mars! 

The Game laid out his idea to face the founder of SpaceX in space at a special WrestleMania, held on the Red Planet, after calling out Musk for 'disrespecting' the professional wrestling business. 

Triple H joked that, despite all of Musk's incredible accomplishments, the 49-year-old has never beaten anybody inside the wrestling ring, and invited the centi-billionaire to have his first match against The King Of Kings in a spectacle never seen before. 

Speaking on The Good Time Show, Triple H said: "Let me address Elon Musk because I feel like there’s some disrespect going on here. Because I don’t know if he has a superiority complex because he’s a rocket scientist, a self-taught rocket scientist, right? Big deal. He’s a guy that sort of revolutionized the electric car all because he wanted to fly rockets to Mars. Big deal. Taught himself how to build cars, taught himself how to revolutionize the automotive industry, taught himself how to revolutionize space travel. [Then] comes up with reusable rockets, the whole thing.

"Then, goofs around on the Internet, flips some things around, becomes the biggest billionaire, trillionaire, or whatever he is. The richest guy in the world, which, by the way, he couldn’t maintain for long. I’m sure he’ll flip that around.

"At this point, Elon, you have to ask yourself… all those incredible accomplishments and believe me, they are cool, but, who have you beaten? Who have you ever beat? Answer is nobody.

"So, if you want to disrespect our business, I will anytime, anyplace, anywhere [fight you]. Elon Musk, if you’ve got the guts, if you have what it takes to do this… then you and I will talk about what I really want to talk about, which is taking one of your rockets, launching it from Florida, going up into space, heading to Mars with a team from the Performance Center, where we then put on the largest spectacle the Universe has ever seen – WrestleMania Mars."

H/T Wrestling Inc

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