
Triple H Details How WWE Hall Of Fame Inductees Are Determined

The 2021 Hall Of Fame Ceremony Airs Tonight!

Triple H has revealed the process that determines which legends, celebrities and former WWE talent are inducted into the Hall Of Fame each year. 

The Game has detailed how suggestions come from across the company before Vince McMahon makes the final decision, which is determined on how deserving a person is combined with how varied and entertaining they can make the Hall Of Fame Ceremony. 

Speaking on the Pardon My Take Podcast, Triple H said: "So there’s a lot of people that put a suggestion on it, from within the company, so writing teams, you have people in television production, so across the board, there’s a lot of people that have input into it. And then it gets whittled down by different departments until we get to a base of more people than we need, and then Vince makes the final call on where it’s gonna go from there.

"Vince looks at [the] Hall of Fame as, or WWE looks at Hall of Fame as, a moment of entertainment as well. So it’s not just about who’s going to go in in that moment, it’s part of a show.. And what he believes in as part of that is, somebody like Kane is getting an opportunity to go on a stage. This year will be different because of the way it is, but in years’ past, you’re gonna get an opportunity to go and relive your career one more time in a show, and sort of be a part of that and have an entertainment value to that.

"And you kinda want to make that a show across the board, not just be some stodgy show that’s, you’re an hour and 45 minutes into watching and you regret watching because everybody’s been saying the same thing and it’s boring. You want it to have kind of ups and downs and be entertainment. He really believes in that, so that’s a lot of what goes into it.

"The sort of, ‘Who deserves to be in?’ is talked about a lot, from everybody else, and then he kind of takes that list of who deserves, and then kind of goes through it and figures out how the entertainment component of it can work. And [he’ll] say like this guy’s gonna be really dry, this guy will be dry, too. Let’s wait and put this dry guy in next year because we’re gonna put this dry guy in already this year,’ so balance it out."

H/T WrestleZone

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