
Triple H Reveals Which Wrestler He Regrets Not Feuding With

Triple H regrets not feuding with one particular WWE Superstar

Despite working for the same company for many years and both men being top stars, Triple H and Rey Mysterio rarely crossed paths. 

Whether it was due to being on separate brands, injuries or heel/face alignment at the time, The Game and the Biggest Little Man never had a programme together or even a single one-on-one match. 

Speaking with LadBible, WWE's Chief Content Officer expressed his regret in not working with the masked man more. 

"I always wanted to work with Rey Mysterio. I think I've been in the ring with him twice [in] my entire career. There's certain guys like that...We just never ended up in the same place in the same storylines"

It wasn't for lack of trying, as Triple H personally pitched a feud on several occasions. 

"I've thrown it out there a lot over the years of like, 'Hey, what if Rey and I did something?'. But he was always on SmackDown [while] I was on Raw or vice versa. It just never panned out but he's always a guy that I always thought 'Man, I would have loved to have gone and done something big with him'".

Rey Mysterio and Triple H entered the 2006 Royal Rumble match at numbers one and two, respectively, with both men lasting over an hour and Rey eventually winning it (eliminating the Cerebral Assassin in the process).

Outside of that, the only significant interaction between the pair was on the March 18, 2006 episode of Saturday Night's Main Event, where Triple H teamed with John Cena to take on Rey, Kurt Angle & Randy Orton in a clash of the two WrestleMania 22 main events. 

Triple H formally retired from in-ring competition earlier this year due to health issues. 

H/T SEScoops

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Lewis Howse

Written by Lewis Howse

Features journalist for Cultaholic.com and script writer for the Cultaholic YouTube Channel. A pretty good guy.