
Tucker: Vince McMahon Doesn't Think The WWE Tag Team Division Can Draw Money

Tucker was released by WWE in April 2021

The former Tucker believes Vince McMahon does not feel the tag-team division in WWE is capable of making money.

Tucker and Otis formed Heavy Machinery in WWE but were split up last October with the former turning on the latter, costing him the Money In The Bank briefcase in a match with The Miz.

Their split was given no feud or payoff however, with Tucker and Otis not having a match, before Tucker's release from the promotion earlier this year.

Tucker, real name Levi Cooper, was asked about Heavy Machinery cashing in Otis' Money In The Bank for a Tag Team Title Match, but does not believe such an option was ever on the cards for WWE.

Talking to the OTR show he said: “I don’t think so, no. I’d have no idea. 

"Just based on my thought, to me I feel like Vince doesn’t feel like the tag division can really draw money. At least that seems to be the way that they’re booked. Even when they have a super emotional story, they might get twenty minutes at the most. They’re never getting forty minutes, they’re never going on last.

"And the Money in the Bank is like one of the biggest things in the company, it’s one of the biggest prop gimmicks that there is. It’s a ticket to a world title, there’s very few people that have unsuccessfully cash it. It’s like the thing they used to catapult someone, essentially.

"It would be nice to think they’d use it for us to win the tag team championships, but I don’t think it was the plan. And if it was, it never got there."

H/T EWrestlingNews

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