
Update On Braun Strowman & Bobby Lashley

WWE Raw Superstars went through the stage on Monday...

This week's WWE Raw kicked off in explosive fashion as the Paul Heyman era began on Monday nights.

Braun Strowman sent himself and Bobby Lashley through an explosive LED screen on the stage before the pair were taken away in ambulances. The roster sent their best wishes to both men throughout the remainder of the evening, while Corey Graves swore immediately after it happened - it was all really well done.

The way the angle played out you would have been forgiven for expecting the pair to be written off WWE TV for a considerable period of time.

However, the very next night on SmackDown Live, Lashley was seen in hospital threatening to put Strowman in a morgue.

Obviously, with the crash through the stage being a part of a rather elaborate storyline, neither man is legitimately injured. Although, it turns out that both Braun and Bobby are advertised for next Monday's episode of Monday Night Raw, with Strowman advertised to appear for live events this weekend.

As always with WWE, their cards are subject to change, but given what happened on Raw it's rather strange to see Strowman or Lashley advertised for anything.

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Ross Tweddell

Written by Ross Tweddell

Written and video journalist for Cultaholic Wrestling | twitter: @rossonrasslin | instagram: @rossonrasslin