
WWE Announces AJ Styles Injury

Con-Chair-To does damage

After suffering a Con-Chair-To on last week's edition of Monday Night Raw at the hands of Edge, WWE have announced AJ Styles is out of action with a "severe neck contusion." 

The company noted it is unclear how the injury will affect Styles on the road to WrestleMania 38. The Phenomenal One will go one-on-one with Edge at The Showcase Of The Immortals. 

Following the attack, Edge appeared on Monday's episode of Raw from Cleveland, Ohio, and explained he was initially trying to unleash the pitbull within AJ Styles but actually ended up awakening his true self. As a result, Edge now sits on the mountain of omnipotence but the two-time WWE Champion will have the opportunity to knock him off his perch at The Show Of Shows. 

The match between Edge and AJ Styles came about after The Phenomenal One revealed he was lobbying hard for a match against the WWE Hall Of Famer at WrestleMania 38. Prior to last week's segment on Raw, though, they had rarely appeared on-screen together outside of two Royal Rumble matches. 

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Aidan Gibbons

Written by Aidan Gibbons

Editor-in-Chief of Cultaholic.com Twitter: @theaidangibbons