
WWE Ranked 20th In List Of 50 Most Marketable Sports Properties 2021

An increase from last year

WWE has been named in SportsPro’s list of the 50 Most Marketable Properties for 2021.

Vince McMahon's promotion ranked 20th on the list of Most Marketable Sports Properties, with an Opportunity Score of 23.1. Comparitvely, UFC ranked 27th while AEW wasn't included in the 50.

This is an improvement from last year after WWE ranked #21 on the list for 2020.

The SportsPro 550 Most Marketable Properties list was topped by the FIFA World Cup with an Opportunity Score of 35.6. The Summer Olympic Games came in second while tthe NBA ranked third.

The list is dominated by football teams with the likes of Real Madrid, Barcelona, Liverpool, Manchester United and Manchester City all featuring in the top twenty, alongside club competitions such as the UEFA Champions League, the Premier League and La Liga.

SportsPro say that their list and platform 'enables sports marketers to make sponsorship decisions more quickly and intelligently through the application of in-depth data analysis, advanced social media monitoring, and real-world consumer insights.'

The full list can be viewed here.

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Mitch Waddon

Written by Mitch Waddon

Editor In Chief at Cultaholic.com