
WWE Reportedly Still Yet To Decide Who Will Main Event WrestleMania 35

It's got to be Becky, Charlotte, and Ronda SURELY?!

It appears that every single member of the WWE Universe wants to see Becky Lynch and Ronda Rousey (and maybe even Charlotte Flair too) main event WrestleMania 35. It also appeared on this week's WWE Raw that the McMahons were on side with the idea, as Vince of all people inserted himself into the storyline to remove The Man and Replace her with The Queen.

However, per F4WOnline, it appears that WWE haven't fully made up their mind as to what will main event WrestleMania 35, with Seth Rollins vs. Brock Lesnar for The Beast's Universal Championship the other contender to close the show (surely if that match main events it has to mean Rollins is winning the big one, right?).

Anyway, here's what Dave Meltzer had to say on Wrestling Observer Radio earlier today: “So they haven’t decided whether it will be that match (Becky vs Ronda vs Charlotte) or the Rollins/Lesnar match that will go on last and that probably won’t be decided until the week of the show.”

Surely it has to be the ladies, right?

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Ross Tweddell

Written by Ross Tweddell

Written and video journalist for Cultaholic Wrestling | twitter: @rossonrasslin | instagram: @rossonrasslin