
AEW Double Or Nothing 2022 Results

All the results from AEW Double or Nothing 2022

It’s Sunday night, and you know what that means - the fourth annual Double or Nothing which ran Las Vegas for the first time since the inaugural event in 2019, with AEW hitting up the T-Mobile Arena.

It was a night of twists and turns, of celebration and triumph, unfiltered chaos and surprise debuts, amidst a background of confusion and uncertainty due to the saga surrounding MJF and his ‘will he/won’t he’ status for his match with Wardlow.

Read on for all the results from AEW Double or Nothing 2022:

HOOKHausen def. Tony Nese & ‘Smart’ Mark Sterling - The Buy-In

First time outing for the cult heroes HOOKHausen, and what was Danhausen’s first ‘proper’ AEW match after his recent squash loss to Nese. The faces got a massive reaction from the fans, especially when Danhausen tagged in and started dishing out curses. Nese took control over Danhausen for a spell, but after Sterling tagged in it all fell apart for the heels, Danhausen nailing Nese with a huge Northern Lights Suplex before the hot tag to HOOK. HOOK made short work of the heels, before tagging Danhausen back in to hit the finishing blow on Sterling… a posing curse pin.

Wardlow def. MJF

Double or Nothing opened with MJF’s music, as the ‘Salt of the Earth’ kept fans waiting for a moment, such was the story of the weekend leading up to the event. MJF even mimicked an aeroplane before ‘Mr. Mayhem’ made his entrance flanked by AEW security.

As the bell rang MJF ducked to the outside, clearly wanting no part of Wardlow. MJF spent the early stages of the bout weaselling his way out of action, hitting eye pokes and bites to keep Wardlow at bay. MJF feigned a knee injury as the fans rained down abuse, but it was all a ploy to slip on the Dynamite diamond ring… which the ref saw and promptly confiscated. MJF said he’d quadruple Wardlow’s pay and shook on it with the big man, as Wardlow kept hold and delivered a long overdue powerbomb symphony to a massive reaction. Wardlow got the one-foot pin after five powerbombs, but released the hold after a two-count, delivering several more powerbombs (10 in total) before the one-foot pin and the win.

Post-match, MJF was placed in a neck brace and wheeled out on a stretcher, as Tony Schiavone interviewed the winner on the ramp, confirming that Wardlow is now ‘All Elite’.

The Hardys def. The Young Bucks

An Elvis Presley inspired entrance for The Bucks as Viva Las Vegas ‘Superkick Party’ rang out in Vegas, as ROH’s Caprice Coleman joined commentary for this one - Delete vs. Elite. The two Matts started, counter-wrestling, before Nick Jackson and Jeff Hardy took over, with the Hardys getting first blood in the matchup. The Hardys used plenty of tandem offence to keep their foothold, until Nick Jackson countered a Poetry in Motion, and followed up with the first superkick of the night on Matt Hardy. 

The Bucks ran roughshod on The Hardys until Jeff turned the tide with a Whisper in the Wind. Matt Hardy ran wild until the action spilled to the outside, with Nick Jackson superkicking Jeff Hardy as he went for an Asai Moonsault. The Bucks took their turn in the driving seat, but an errant kick to stooge Brandon Cutler threw their gameplan off, allowing The Hardys back in. Jeff Hardy looked a little worse for wear, especially after missing a Swanton and eating a rapid Twist of Fate/Swanton combo by the Jacksons, but had the fortitude to kick out at two. Jeff had enough awareness to avoid a BTE Trigger, but ate a Superkick Party - as did Matt Hardy - before the Hardys ate several more Superkicks, and were defiant in the face of The Bucks to ask for more, just like The Briscoes did back in the day.

The Bucks set Jeff Hardy up on some steel steps on the outside, but The Hardys rallied, Matt with a crucifix bomb on Nick Jackson, as Jeff Hardy hit an insane Swanton onto Matt Jackson on the steps on the outside. Matt Hardy hit a Twist of Fate for two on Nick Jackson, then a Side Effect and a second Twist of Fate, before Jeff Hardy hit a Swanton Bomb on Nick Jackson for the win.

Jade Cargill (c) def. Anna Jay - TBS Championship

Jade Cargill got the ‘Codyvator’ flanked by Vegas dancers, as The Baddies watched on from the front row. Very fast intense start to the match as Anna and Jade tried to outwrestle one another; Anna using her speed, Cargill her superior strength to her advantage. It didn’t take long for Jade to take control of the bout, before Anna Jay hit a Superplex to put the champ down. Anna went back to the top to hit a Blockbuster, but could not capitalise, before taking it to the outside. Kiera Hogan and Red Velvet tried to interfere but ate a double DDT on the outside, with Anna continuing the momentum to avoid a Jaded in the ring.

‘Smart’ Mark Sterling hobbled down to the ring, distracted the ref and threw a crutch into the ring, which Anna used to hit an assisted Russian Legsweep for a near fall. John Silver ran down to deliver a Brainbuster on Sterling on the floor, as Cargill hit the Eye of the Storm for two, before Anna turned a Jaded into The Queenslayer. Cargill muscled her way out of the hold, then met Anna on the top rope as Stokely Hathaway made his way to ringside! With Anna distracted Jade Cargill hit an avalanche Jaded for the win.

Post-match Jade and The Baddies went to beat down Anna Jay as Kris Statlander made the save, before ‘The Fallen Goddess’ Athena made her AEW debut as the crowd went wild for the potential three-on-three brawl. Stokely Hathaway calmed down the Baddies and convinced them to retreat.

The House of Black def. Death Triangle

All the theatrics on show for the entrances, as Death Triangle were accompanied by a tiny Penta, and Alex Abrahantes. Unsurprisingly this match went at a rapid pace, with tons of posturing as both teams look for an opening. After some nice match-ups between Black and Fenix, and Buddy and Penta, it descended into a six-man brawl, with all six men taking their turn to dish out some jaw-dropping offence. With a poisonrana and a last gasp lariat on Buddy Matthews, PAC seemingly took control for Death Triangle, but it was a false dawn.

The House worked over PAC, but a missed cannonball by King allowed the former ‘King of the Cruiserweights’ to get the tag to Fenix, with The Lucha Brothers running wild with a superkick party and stereo topes con giro. Death Triangle added to the highlight reel with several spectacular passages, with everyone taking their turn to hit impressive topes and dives, before King flattened everyone with a heavyweight tope of his own. King came close to a win with Dante’s Inferno, but Death Triangle just started dishing kicks out like sweets, before PAC got a close two with a Brainbuster on Malakai Black. 

Death Triangle took out Buddy and Brody on the outside with a beautiful destroyer and DDT respectively, before flattening a defiant Malakai with a series of strikes, but it was not good enough. PAC nailed a beautiful springboard 450 on Black and a low blow as the ref was distracted, but the lights went out as PAC went for Black Arrow, as Julia Hart appeared, spat mist in PAC’s eyes, thus allowing Malakai to hit the spinkick for the win.

Adam Cole def. Samoa Joe - Men’s Owen Hart Foundation Tournament Final

Mike Chioda provided ref duties for the inaugural Men’s Owen Final as huge Owen chants erupted in the arena. Slow start from the two former ROH World Champions, before Joe started laying out the strikes on Cole. Joe firmly established control, taking the action to the outside before eating a Superkick when going for the running olé kick. Cole rammed Joe’s shoulder into the ring post, and proceeded to work over the big man’s arm, capitalising on the damage down from the recent attacks by Jay Lethal and co. Cole went for an early Panama Sunrise to no avail, and ate an ST-Joe out of the corner, but Joe was selling the shoulder throughout. 

Cole would get his licks but could not string together a decent run of offence, with Joe folding Cole with a stiff lariat. Cole rallied with a high knee and a lungblower, before locking in a crossface to further damage Joe’s shoulder. Vintage Joe with the powerbomb into STF combo, as Bobby Fish ran in to deliver an arm ringer. Cole lowered The Boom but missed, with Joe briefly locking the Coquina Clutch, before sending Fish packing. Superkick party and The BOOM from Cole for the win. Excalibur announced the official presentation ceremony would occur after the Women’s Final later in the night,

Britt Baker def. Ruby Soho - Women’s Owen Hart Foundation Tournament Final

Fozzy’s Rich Ward on guitar duties for Britt Baker’s entrance, before the legendary Rancid played a live rendition of 'Ruby Soho' as Soho made her way to the ring. Loud duelling chants as Britt and Ruby battled to assert dominance, with Baker enjoying the better of the opening exchanges before Ruby sent her packing to the outside, Ruby making the first statement of the match with a massive shotgun dropkick to the outside. Baker turned it around in the ring, roughly slamming Ruby as the commentary put over how Ruby had a hellacious semi-final win over Kris Statlander only days before the PPV.

Baker continued to work over Ruby, looking to weaken her enough for the Lockjaw, but Soho would not stay down, the two exchanging standing strikes before Baker stood tall once more. The two fought on the top rope before Ruby landed a big superplex, at a price, with Soho holding her midsection. Ruby would not stay down, taking a ton of punishment from the former AEW Women’s World Champion, before flattening Baker with a Saito Suplex and top rope senton Bombs Away for a near fall.

Britt launched Ruby from the top and hit a Stomp for a near fall of her own, before producing that trademark dentist’s glove. Ruby managed to roll through a Lockjaw into a pin, before hitting No Future and locking in a Sharpshooter to a huge ovation, but Baker fought through gritted teeth to get to the ropes. Ruby went for the victory roll out of the corner, but shades of Owen vs. Bret at WrestleMania X as Baker rolled through and got a pin of her own for the win.

Britt helped Ruby to her feet in a begrudging show of respect, before making her way to the entrance way, where Baker was greeted by Tony Schiavone and Adam Cole. Schiavone introduced Dr. Martha Hart, who was brought out by Tony Khan. Huge Owen chants as Dr. Hart took the mic, before ‘thank you Martha’ chants rang out. Dr. Hart delivered a speech honouring the legacy of the great Owen Hart, said some thank yous, and paid homage to Baker and Cole - the inaugural winners of the Owen Hart Foundation Tournament, before promising there’d be follow-up tournaments in the future.

Dr. Hart unveiled title belts for the winners to keep, as Cole and Baker celebrated in front of the Owen Cup. 

Men of the Year & Paige VanZant def. Sammy Guevara, Frankie Kazarian, & Tay Conti - Mixed Trios Match

Second appearance for the Codyvator as a Maleficent inspired Sammy Guevara and Tay Conti made their way to the ring, with the titles they stole from ATT. Sammy blind tagged his way into the match before a punch was even thrown by Kaz, as Ethan Page made his way in to dish out a beating to Guevara. A few quick tags for both teams, with Sammy and Kaz clearly not on the same page. The former SCU teammates Scorpio and Kaz tried to one-up each other, as Tay ran in to cheap shot VanZant. Sammy was too busy celebrating with Tay to accept Kaz’s tag, eventually blindtagging himself into the match to Kaz’s chagrin. 

After a ‘malfunction at the junction’ Scorpio got the tag to ‘12 Gauge’ who rocked Tay with several elbows and a series of suplexes and slams, before cocking the arm and gutpunching Sammy and nailing a nice tilt-a-whirl-DDT on ‘The Spanish God’. High angle Michinoku Driver by VanZant on Tay got a near fall, before Tay rallied with a judo throw and several pump kicks.

Tay hit a variation of a Tay-KO/facebreaker, and as she and Guevara kissed, ATT rallied behind them. Guevara and Tay asked Kaz for help, but ‘The Future’ abandoned Sammy momentarily, allowing the pair to take a beating. Kaz blindtagged himself in before launching Scorpio into a beautiful cutter. As Tay was arguing with Kaz, Guevara went for a sneak Superkick, nailing Tay square in the face as Kaz ducked. Scorpio hit the TKO on Kaz for the win, meaning Sammy and Kaz can never challenge for the TNT Championship for as long as Scorpio is champ.

Kyle O’Reilly def. Darby Allin

A last-minute addition to the card, Darby was flying solo without Sting, due to ‘The Icon’ taking a beating at the hands of reDRagon. O’Reilly was in no mood to play, with the former ROH World Champion quick out of the traps to beat Darby down with several huge knees, including a huge knee straight to Darby’s jaw, busting the former TNT Champion’s mouth. KOR used his MMA style offence to get a foothold on the match, but Darby would not say die, taking everything that was thrown at him, and coming back with a Scorpion Death Drop. A backpack stunner took KOR to the outside, with Darby styling out a botched 100mph tope suicida into a form of a flipping kick - scary stuff. Darby regrouped and went for the tope again, but KOR caught him in a body scissors on the floor.

O’Reilly rolled through an avalanche Frankensteiner, but Allin countered into The Last Supper, although it was not enough for the win. Kyle locked a grapevined ankle lock, but Darby rolled through into a Scorpion Deathlock. Darby hit a Coffin Drop on O’Reilly on the apron, as both crashed to the floor once more. Back in the ring, Darby went for another Coffin Drop but was again caught, with Kyle going for a cross armbreaker. The two rose to their feet and exchanged strikes, O’Reilly coming out on top. Kyle choked Darby with his chain and nailed a series of stiff free kicks to Darby’s chest, before crushing him with a diving knee drop for the statement win. Big win for O’Reilly, who just absolutely kicked the s*** out of Darby.

Thunder Rosa (c) def. Serena Deeb - AEW Women’s World Championship

Big stare-down between Thunder and Deeb as the bell rang, before the two went at it hammer and tongs. It was a story of two seasoned competitors trying to get the upper hand and outwrestle the other, with the opening exchanges leading to a stalemate. A gritty Deeb overcame several pinning predicaments to tie the champ up with a perfect neck crank, but Rosa adjusted into a pendulum to a nice reaction. Thunder paid homage to Dustin Rhodes with a drop-down strike, before launching Deeb to the outside. Deeb regrouped and gained control upon re-entry, snapping a neckbreaker as Rosa was attempting to re-enter the ring. Deeb hung Rosa up with an elevated Gory Special on the top rope, but Thunder rallied against ‘The Professor’, engaging in standing strikes with Deeb before flattening her with a handful of clotheslines and a scoop slam. High angle corner clothesline and vaulting knee drop gave Thunder some momentum, leading into a Northern Lights Suplex for two. 

Deeb had an answer for everything though, meeting Rosa on their feet, before hitting a lovely Diamond Dust for two. Rosa hit a Russian Legsweep and transitioned into a Crossface, but Deeb again got out, wrenching a Stretch Muffler on the champ. A double stomp to a crouching Deeb and a Spicolli Driver got a two for Thunder Rosa, but Deeb fired back with a Figure Four Leglock, with Rosa rolling to the outside to break the hold. A big Detox surely had it for Deeb, but Rosa got her foot on the rope to break it, but Deeb fired back with the Serenity Lock. Deeb hit a kneeling powerbomb and went for a Texas Cloverleaf, but again Rosa got to the ropes. 

A second Detox was countered into a roll-up by the champ, but a follow-up double knees in the corner didn’t hit the intended target. Rosa hit a big superplex and rolled through into the Fire Thunder Driver for the hard-earned win.

The Jericho Appreciation Society def. Blackpool Combat Club, Eddie Kingston, Proud & Powerful - Anarchy in the Arena

JAS bedecked in matching white sleeveless leather jackets, Kangol caps and tights, like a weird violent boyband. The BCC, P&P, and Eddie Kingston came through the crowd united to the strains of Wild Thing ready for a fight.

A fight is what we got, as the action started in the crowd as Wild Thing continued to play, New Jack style. True anarchy unfolded, and this was a good old fashioned Attitude Era style brawl all over the arena, with plenty of scores to be settled between the two factions. Forks came into play, chairs, fists, tables, you name it. Daddy Magic was bleeding buckets, Moxley was going wild on a mobility scooter, one of those wild fights where words can’t do it any justice. 

There was some actual wrestling too, as Santana and Ortiz double-teamed Jake Hager in the ring, before Chris Jericho killed the audio feed, ending the second playthrough of Wild Thing. Bryan Danielson and Angelo Parker fought in a tarped off area, whilst P&P hit a wild StreetSweeper from the inside to the outside of the ring on Hager through two tables at ringside. Meanwhile, Matt Menard was covered in mustard backstage, as Daniel Garcia hit a piledriver on Ortiz from the ring apron to the steel steps. Moxley and Jericho, and Danielson and a bleeding Cool Hand Ange fought in the crowd, as Menard and Kingston brought the merch stand crashing down before an enraged Daniel Garcia laid into Kingston.

The match could only finish in the ring, but the competitors didn't seem to care, battering each other with whatever they could get their hands on. Jericho put Moxley through the timekeeper’s table with a Walls of Jericho - yes, really - but it didn’t keep Moxley down. Mox took the top rope off the ring, using the rope to assault Jericho’s undercarriage, as Garcia and Kingston brawled in a freight elevator. P&P positioned 2point0 on adjacent tables in the concourse, climbed either side of a massive set of ladders and hit stereo splashes through the table.

Meanwhile at ringside, Moxley set up a damn barbed wire table, before Mox, Danielson, Jericho, and Hager slugged it out in the middle of the deconstructed ring, before Eddie Kingston came out with gasoline ready to set Jericho on fire. Danielson was not cool with this, leading Kingston and Danielson to brawl, as Jericho swatted them with a chair, as Moxley was launched onto the barbed wire by Hager. Jericho could only get a two count after smashing Danielson with the turnbuckle, but AmDrag fired back, Yes Kicking Jericho and Hager without reply, before crushing Jericho with a chair assisted Busaiku Knee for a near fall. Danielson peppered Jericho with kicks then promised to “kick his f****** head in” before Hager made the save with Floyd the bat. Jericho locked in the Walls as Hager choked Danielson with the top rope, causing Danielson to pass out, as The JAS claimed the win. Absolute mayhem.

We got an update from Andrade El Idolo and Jose the Assistant, with Andrade saying he hates the name AFO - deeming them a group of losers. Jose said he had the contract for Andrade’s new associate - RUSH. El Toro Blanco is in the house, could Los Ingobernables be heading to AEW?

Lexy Nair asked ATT how they feel knowing their feud with Sammy Guevara and Kaz is dead and buried. Page and Sky were looking forward to moving on to ‘bigger and better things’ with Sky asking who is next to step up to the plate? Dante Martin made his way to the interview area and said he was stepping up. Sky said he’d give Dante a shot in SoCal.

Jurassic Express (c) def. Team Taz and Keith Lee & Swerve Strickland - AEW World Tag Team Championships

Hobbs with the first of the mind games, snatching one of the AEW Tag Title belts before the bell rang, before Team Taz rushed the other competitors. Tandem Asai Moonsaults by Jurassic Express kicked the match off proper, as Luchasaurus looked to make his mark on Ricky Starks. Plenty of quick tags between the three teams kicked this one off, as triangle tag rules meant only two legal competitors could wrestle at any one time. Lee and Swerve worked over Team Taz, before Jungle Boy and Swerve engaged in a tete-a-tete, ended when Keith Lee caught JB off a tope and powerbombed him into Luchasaurus… twice.

The crowd were solidly behind Ricky Starks as he worked over Jungle Boy, but his showboating cost him. Swerve ran wild, and with Jurassic Express and Starks on the outside, Swerve ran up the ropes before springboarding off Lee’s chest for a moonsault to the outside. Swerve and Lee thought they had control, but Hobbs hit an avalanche belly to belly on Swerve, before Luchasaurus blindtagged in to run wild. All six men had their time to shine, especially during a three-way hoss fight between Luchasaurus, Hobbs, and Lee. Hobbs and Lee planted the big dino with a double chokeslam, before Lee tossed Hobbs over the top with ease, and took out everyone with a huge tope con giro. 

As Lee and Luchasaurus slugged it out in the ring, Powerhouse appeared on the top rope and took both men out with a Double Blockbuster. Starks went to pin JB with his feet on the ropes to Christian Cage’s annoyance, the distraction causing Starks to cut JB in half with a spear for a near fall. Starks again came close with the Ro Sham Bo, but Luchasaurus made the save. The pace did not slow down, but miscommunication saw Luchasaurus nail JB with a big kick as Swerve and Lee came super close with Swerve in their Glory, with Hobbs breaking things up at 2.8. Starks took Lee out with the FTW title, and as chaos took over, the champs hit a Thorassic Express on Swerve for the successful title defence.

CM Punk def. Hangman Adam Page (c) - AEW World Championship

Big cheers for both competitors as they made their way to the ring, with Hangman glaring at Punk from the second he emerged from the entrance tunnel. 

Big fight feel as Justin Roberts did the in-ring introductions, with the two men going nose-to-nose as the bell rang. Duelling chants as the two locked up, before engaging in standing chops. The two started very physically, not holding back in their strikes, as the crowd remained very loud, despite the length of the PPV. Both Punk and Page received boos at points in the match, but there were mainly cheers as Hangman caught a Punk crossbody and hit the Fallaway Slam. The action spilled outside, with Hangman on top, and it continued as it re-entered the ring, with Punk cut down by a stiff rolling elbow. Hangman went for an early Buckshot Lariat, but Punk scouted it, and knocked Page to the outside. Page wasn’t rocked for long, crushing Punk with a pop-up powerbomb into the ring apron, then nailing Punk with a flying clothesline when Punk rolled back in. Punk showed his mettle by zooming back up to meet Page on the top rope, hitting a quick superplex to take the champ down. Punk built up some momentum, firing up after nailing the trademark springboard clothesline, but couldn’t get the champ up for the GTS, settling for a neckbreaker and a two count. Page rocked Punk with the big moonsault to the outside, but looked to have jammed his knee a little on the landing. 

Punk scouted the Buckshot Lariat and locked in a Sharpshooter, holding the hold in for a little longer after Page reached the ropes. Punk went for a Punkshot but didn’t stick the landing, nor could Hangman hit a GTS. Punk again couldn’t stick the landing on the Punkshot but nailed the champ for a two count, before both men went for the GTS. Huge powerbomb for Hangman rolled through into the Deadeye for an agonisingly close pinfall attempt, Punk kicking out at the last possible moment as more boos seeped out for the challenger. The champ mocked Punk’s GTS pose, and again came close to the win after nailing a crushing GTS. The two exchanged strikes in the middle of the ring, with Punk targeting Hangman’s damaged knee, but Hangman fired back, clotheslining Punk to the outside and launching the challenger over the timekeeper’s table. 

Hangman held his title aloft defiantly, but couldn’t get the buckshot, as Punk countered into a GTS attempt - knocking down referee Paul Turner - before Page landed the lariat on Punk. With the ref down, Page contemplated clocking Punk with the title, but Page changed his mind as Punk kneeled meekly before him. Page went for the Buckshot for the honourable win, but Punk had him scouted, and nailed the GTS to win the AEW World Championship.

The first era of Hangman is over, and the Punk era begins, but this looks like it is far from over. With tears in his eyes, Punk holds the AEW World Championship aloft

AEW Double or Nothing 2022, full results: 

  • CM Punk def. Hangman Adam Page (c) - AEW World Championship
  • Jurassic Express (c) def. Team Taz, and Keith Lee & Swerve Strickland - AEW World Tag Team Championships
  • The Jericho Appreciation Society def. Blackpool Combat Club, Eddie Kingston, Proud & Powerful - Anarchy in the Arena
  • Thunder Rosa (c) def. Serena Deeb - AEW Women’s World Championship
  • Kyle O’Reilly def. Darby Allin
  • Men of the Year & Paige VanZant def. Sammy Guevara, Frankie Kazarian, & Tay Conti - Mixed Trios Match
  • Britt Baker def. Ruby Soho - Women’s Owen Hart Foundation Tournament Final
  • Adam Cole def. Samoa Joe - Men’s Owen Hart Foundation Tournament Final
  • The House of Black def. Death Triangle
  • Jade Cargill (c) def. Anna Jay - TBS Championship
  • The Hardys def. The Young Bucks
  • Wardlow def. MJF
  • HOOKHausen def. Tony Nese & ‘Smart’ Mark Sterling - The Buy In

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CM Punk Wins AEW World Title At AEW Double Or Nothing

Tony Khan Refuses To Comment On MJF Situation, MJF Says He Has A Lot To Think About

Written by Jack Atkins

Scripts, news, and features writer. Anything with words, basically.