
Florida Stay-At-Home Order Set To Affect WWE Tapings

Will WWE have to postpone their weekly shows?

WWE could find their weekly television shows affected by a new stay-at-home order, issued by Governor of Florida, Ron DeSantis. 

According to NBC News: 'The order goes into effect Thursday at midnight and will last for at least 30 days', and will limit movement in Florida. Residents have been instructed to say indoors unless pursuing essential activities or services. 

Assuming WWE are unable to be classified as 'essential' this could well have an impact on future episodes of Raw, SmackDown, and NXT. Various news sources have reported that the tapings WWE have shot in advance take them to April 8th - next week's edition of NXT.

Beyond that, it's unclear how WWE will address this problem. Recent tapings have taken place at the Performance Center in Orlando, but they may well try to find a location in a different state. 

AEW may also face similar problems. Until recently, their tapings were being shot at Daily Place in Jacksonville, Florida - but have recently been moved to a secret location. It is unknown whether this secondary location is in Florida, or a state yet to implement a similar stay-at-home order.

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Written by Jack King

jack.king@cultaholic.com Twitter: @JackTheJobber