
Former Manager Abraham Washington Accuses WWE Of Stealing His Ideas


In recent months, WWE Superstar Seth Rollins has adopted a Monday Night Messiah gimmick where he blesses members of the audience and stands at a pulpit to give sermons. Universal Champion "The Fiend" Bray Wyatt has also added new elements to his character as he hosted a mock news programme on a recent episode of Friday Night SmackDown.

According to former Prime Time Players manager Abraham Washington, who now goes by Rev. Jeremiah Constantine, he originally used the Messiah character and did mock news segments on his YouTube channel, meaning WWE has stolen his ideas.

Constantine explained on the High Spot podcast that he sent the company footage of his current project and was told they had forwarded it onto their lead writer. While he did not receive a response from them after this, elements of his current gimmick suddenly started popping up on WWE TV.

Washington said: "I feel they're using certain elements of my material and yeah, I'm not too happy about it. You know because here's the thing, I sent the WWE a video of me doing the Jeremiah Constantine thing, the whole religious aspect with the studio audience, all these things that I use right now, and I got a response from someone saying that 'okay I'm going to send this to the lead writer.' So I know that they've seen the material and they know what I'm doing and certain aspects of that have come out on TV but I never got a response back from them.

"So it just upsets me the fact that you can't even acknowledge me that you're taking from my stuff, especially with the Seth stuff. The Monday Night Messiah, I'm pretty sure they got that from my promos…Then they had Bray Wyatt doing the newscast thing which I'm doing right now, so it's just like eh whatever."

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Aidan Gibbons

Written by Aidan Gibbons

Editor-in-Chief of Cultaholic.com Twitter: @theaidangibbons