
Johnny Gargano Specifically Requested A Female Singer For 'Rebel Heart'

Gargano made the request

Johnny Gargano has revealed he specifically requested a female singer for his 'Rebel Heart' theme song in WWE.

One of the most popular themes in WWE NXT, Gargano had 'Rebel Heart' for the majority of his run in the promotion, returning to the popular track ahead of his departure from the promotion earlier this month.

Speaking on a recent Twitch stream, Gargano said: "So Rebel Heart obviously holds a special place in my Rebel Heart. A lot of people don't realize I've been very, very lucky.  Throughout my career I've been pretty hands-on with a lot of my theme songs.

"So Chrome Hearts with me and Tommaso, that was just given to us. That was when we started and we were pretty much extras. We didn't have a contract yet and they gave us that song as a, you know, just here. We didn't hear our music, we didn't see our tron. Things were a lot different back then. We didn't hear anything like that until we came out, basically. So that was chrome hearts. Then for the Cruiserweight Classic, I got my own song, which was kinda like Chrome Hearts, but it was called From the Heart, and I sent them a couple of different songs for inspiration for that.

"Then, for Rebel Heart, I specifically requested a female singer because I feel like a lot of guys just never had female singers. I know Christian did. I was a big fan of that. A couple other guys here and there, but I really wanted a female vocalist for my song. Then I sent them another few songs to kind of go off of there. A lot of people don't realize that I sent them Time to Dance by Panic at the Disco. You can kind of hear a little bit of Rebel Heart in that. A lot of people haven't referenced that.

"I know Bomb.com is what a lot of people say Rebel Heart sounds like. It does a little bit. But that was never something I sent them. But yeah, I had a lot of input in Rebel Heart. I had a lot of input in Coming Back For You as well when we went to that. It's just so funny because I got so tired of Rebel Heart because I came out to it for forever. Then hearing it again recently, it just made me so happy to be able to kind of close that chapter with that song. Again, it made me very, very happy."

H/T Fightful

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Mitch Waddon

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Editor In Chief at Cultaholic.com