
Report: Adam Pearce's New Backstage WWE Position Confirmed

'Scrap Daddy' reportedly received a Promotion recently

It had been reported that Adam Pearce had received some form of backstage promotion in WWE in recent weeks as the company undergoes a personnel shake-up. 

The on-screen WWE Official's new role has been reportedly confirmed, with PWInsider saying Pearce is the company's new Director Of Live Events. 

The position has previously involved overseeing live events as well as taking charge of touring creative and card line-ups, and Pearce's allocation to the position would suggest that WWE is preparing for a return to the road in the near future. 

The report says that Pearce will retain his on-screen character and continue to produce matches as well, with the 42-year-old assisting new Lead Producer Jason Jordan in overseeing the production team. In the new set-up, Pearce feeds into John Laurinaitis, who has resumed control of the Talent Relations department. 

Michaels Hayes was the previous Director of Live Events for WWE but, with the COVID-19 Pandemic stopping touring completely, he has been working on producing many of the main event matches and segments for Smackdown, in particular Roman Reigns. It appears WWE have been impressed with his work with Reigns, opting to utilise his expertise in this position on a more long-term basis. 

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Mitch Waddon

Written by Mitch Waddon

Editor In Chief at Cultaholic.com