
Report: A WWE Superstar Thinks The Coronavirus Pandemic Is A "Big Work"

Coronavirus has caused 435,000 deaths...

Since the coronavirus pandemic began at the end of 2019, there have been 7.94 million cases which have resulted in the deaths of 435,000 people. In the United States alone, there have been 2.18 million confirmed cases and 119,000 deaths. 

The pandemic has affected WWE in recent days as the company announced on Monday night that a developmental talent had tested positive for the virus. Tuesday's TV tapings were subsequently cancelled so all staff could be tested and the company plans to resume production later on today.

Mike Johnson at PWInsider reported that he reached out to numerous WWE Superstars after the positive test and most explained they were worried about exposing themselves and their families to the virus. There were also concerns about the friends and family members who were part of the crowd at Monday's tapings as WWE has no way to track who they had been in contact with before entering the Performance Center.

One Superstar isn't worried, however, as Johnson revealed an anonymous wrestler he spoke to believes the whole coronavirus pandemic is "a big work," despite the virus having caused almost half a million deaths. Numerous conspiracy theories have been connected to the pandemic, and some have claimed the virus doesn't exist and is just being used by a cabal of global elites to control the world's population. 

Other WWE Superstars also believe the reaction to the positive coronavirus test has been "overblown."


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Aidan Gibbons

Written by Aidan Gibbons

Editor-in-Chief of Cultaholic.com Twitter: @theaidangibbons