
Roman Reigns Provides An Update On His New WWE Entrance Music

The Big Dog still has the old Shield theme

Back in September, Roman Reigns revealed he would be getting new entrance music when the time was right in his current storyline. 

The Big Dog has continued to use the old Shield theme in the ensuing months, but he recently told Bleacher Report that he and WWE are still working on the new music. 

He said: "We're working on it. It's not easy because I'm not going to... With this character, it has to be the right vibe. We can't just hire a rapper and check out this guitar riff. It can't be some rock music. The Shield music, I wasn't even really into it back in the day; but over the years, it just started working. You get so used to it that I just time my pace to it. But yeah, it takes some time and it has to be right.

"In order to move away from something you've had for so long and is so recognisable like the music that I have now, it's got to be perfect. It's taking some time, but we're definitely working on it, so please be patient."

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Aidan Gibbons

Written by Aidan Gibbons

Editor-in-Chief of Cultaholic.com Twitter: @theaidangibbons