
Shawn Michaels: What We Accomplished With WWE NXT 2.0 Is Nothing Short Of A Miracle

Shawn Michaels is very proud of NXT 2.0

Shawn Michaels is proud of everything that he and the rest of the NXT crew accomplished with NXT 2.0. 

WWE's Senior Vice President of Talent Development Creative presided over the transition from NXT to NXT 2.0, which lasted for a year (between September 2021-22).

Speaking with San Antonio Express-News, the WWE Hall of Famer said: 

"It was all very sudden for all of us [the shift to NXT 2.0]… It was an event where we had to quickly make a lot of changes and get a lot of things accomplished. We had 75 percent of the roster who had just graduated college the year before and had never stepped foot inside [a] wrestling ring. These are young men and women who had to learn on live television for the last 12 months. What we have accomplished here in the last year is nothing short of a miracle in my opinion".

On the one-year anniversary episode of NXT 2.0 (September 13), a video package (narrated by Michaels) played which ended with the colourful NXT 2.0 logo transitioning into a new white-and-gold one, seemingly signifying the end of the NXT 2.0 era.

WWE have since ceased referring to NXT as '2.0'.

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Lewis Howse

Written by Lewis Howse

Features journalist for and script writer for the Cultaholic YouTube Channel. A pretty good guy.