
The Undertaker Thinks Another WWE Superstar Could Have Benefited from Ending The Streak

He doesn't think Lesnar needed the win...

Back at WrestleMania 30, The Undertaker's streak at The Showcase Of The Immortals came to an end, shocking the wrestling world. At the time, some criticised the booking decision as they didn't think Lesnar benefited from the win, while others think the victory lifted Lesnar to a level he had failed to reach since returning to the company in 2012 and ultimately established him as the company's top star. 

'Taker recently sat down for an interview with Brian Campbell at CBS Sports and revealed he doesn't think Lesnar gained anything by beating him and thinks another Superstar would have benefited more from ending the streak. 

"We had gone back and forth depending on the day," 'Taker said. "It changed very often, but it had been that way [with Lesnar losing] for about a week, and I showed up thinking I was going over. I found out about 1 pm that I wasn't. It is what it is.

"Obviously, in Vince's mindset, if it's not Brock, then who? My biggest concern was I just wanted to make sure that [McMahon] was sure and that's what he wanted to do. I didn't feel like Brock needed it. Brock was already a huge star, and it wasn't going to help him one way or another. My only concern was there might have been someone down the line that could have benefited from it more and that probably would've been Roman later on. 

"That's with hindsight being 20/20. But if I was going to get beat by someone, Brock was a guy who had the credentials, I think, to do it and people would be like, 'Um, okay, s**t, that's Brock Lesnar.' That was my biggest deal. I just wanted to make sure that's really what [McMahon] had wanted to do."

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Aidan Gibbons

Written by Aidan Gibbons

Editor-in-Chief of Cultaholic.com Twitter: @theaidangibbons