
Vic Joseph Recalls John Cena Giving Him Advice Following WWE 205 Live Commentary Debut

Vic Joseph made his 205 Live commentary debut in September 2017

Vic Joseph has revealed how John Cena watched his first night commentating on WWE 205 Live and stuck around after the show to offer him advice and constructive criticism. 

Joseph made his WWE 205 Live debut in 2017 and was told to make sure he introduced himself to John Cena if he saw the 16-time World Champion backstage.

Having explained to Cena how it was his first night commentating, Cena made the decision to watch the show and then speak with Joseph on how he did well and where he could improve.

Speaking on the After The Bell Podcast, Joseph said: "I've never told this story publicly. The first day I did 205 Live, I was told there is two guys where if you see them, you say hi to them. JBL, because he will remember if you walk by and don't say hi, and John Cena because he sees everything.

"I happen to see Cena and I went up and said, 'Mr. Cena, I'm Vic Joseph, I'm new and I'm doing 205 Live tonight and I wanted to introduce myself.' He goes, 'You're new? I'm going to watch the show.' I'm thinking he's not going to watch the show.

"We do the show and I'm leaving, he's still in the locker room area or wherever and I walk by and I said, 'John, nice to meet you.' He says, 'Vic, come here.' He walked me over and sat and talked with me about what I did for that hour. 'Know the stories, know the transitions, you had this, don't say this, lay out here.' He ran through it all.

"A man who is a bonafide movie star and a multiple time world champion, easily on the Mount Rushmore of professional wrestling and WWE, (he) took the time to not leave the arena and listen to what I had to say on 205 Live. I'll never forget that. That's a story about who the man John Cena is, not what you see on TV."

H/T Fightful

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Mitch Waddon

Written by Mitch Waddon

Editor In Chief at Cultaholic.com