10 Best WWE Finishing Moves
The best WWE finishers ever!
It goes without saying that a WWE star’s finisher is tremendously important and should be one of their most prized assets.
A great finisher is one that is going to win major matches and titles, a move that fans associate with the performer and when they witness it expect to see a 1-2-3 or a tap-out immediately after.
Before we start proper, there have obviously been a tonne of great finishers over the decades, and honourable mentions must go to Randy Savage’s top-rope elbow drop, the Walls of Jericho, Diesel’s Jackknife Powerbomb, the Rude Awakening, the GTS, Rhyno’s Gore, the Kill Switch and The Widow’s Peak, all of which just missed the grade.
These are the 10 Best WWE Finishing Moves.
10. End Of Days
There is no arguing that his End of Days finisher is one of the absolute best of the modern era.
The End of Days – which sees Corbin picking up his opponent in a uranage position, only to stop and swing them the other way with a flatliner so that their momentum takes them face-first into the canvas – looks both really cool and like it would actually hurt.
Baron’s calling card has been heavily protected, too, which is something of a rarity in the days of frequent finisher kick-outs and no-sells.
It was on the advice of The Undertaker that Corbin made sure his finisher was just that and it’s served him well during his WWE career to date.
It also meant that when Drew McIntyre became the first person to kick out of it at WrestleMania 38, it really meant something.