
10 Worst WWE Tag Team Break-Ups

Worst WWE tag team break-ups ever

Because friendship is a disease in the eyes of Vince McMahon, WWE has seen plenty of tag teams split up over the years.

Whilst some partings have gone down in history, such as Marty Jannetty flying through a barbershop window following a Sweet Chin Music from Shawn Michaels,  some have been far less impressive.

These are the 10 worst WWE tag team break-ups ever. 

10. The Smoking Gunns

Smoking gunns

Before Billy was Daddy Ass and before Bart was cannon fodder for Butterbean, this pair of kayfabe brothers were a tag team by the name of The Smoking Gunns. 

The pair debuted together in 1993 and would go on to win three sets of World Tag Team Championships. 

Cracks started to appear in the siblings’ relationship when manager Sunny abandoned them in 1996. This led to Billy walking out on Bart during a match, only for Bart to win the match anyway without his partner. 

The two men continued to butt heads throughout the rest of the year. They were on opposite sides of a match at Survivor Series and then squared off in a singles match on Raw, which ended after five minutes when Bart dropped Billy on the top rope and gave him a neck injury. 

By the time they finally had a conclusive blow-off match, the tiny amount of momentum from their underwhelming split had fizzled out and died.

Billy was even calling himself “Rockabilly” by this point, which should tell you all you need to know.

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Written by Cultaholic