
10 WWE Comebacks You Don't Remember

Not every WWE comeback is memorable

It worked so well the first time, so why not try it again? 

There are lots of reasons. Just because things went well once, doesn’t mean that it’s all going to be fine the second, third or fourth time around.

This is something that some WWE wrestlers know all too well. Even after saying goodbye or, more likely, being wished well in their future endeavours, many wrestlers find themselves back in the employ of the company before too long, hoping to set the world on fire once more. 

Whether it’s because the bloom is off the rose, so to speak, or there are new creative forces working behind the scenes or 50 other potential variables, the comeback can end up paling in comparison to the original, to the point where it’s not even remembered for being necessarily good or bad. 

Sometimes, they end up simply not being remembered at all. 

These are 10 WWE Comebacks You Don’t Remember.

10. Chuck Palumbo - 2007

Chuck palumbo 2007

One of the surprising success stories coming out of the Invasion was Chuck Palumbo, who came in as a tag team with fellow Power Plant stud Sean O’Haire, before transitioning into a makeshift tag team with Billy Gunn. 

The pairing with The Ass Man gave both men a real lifeline, as they pushed the envelope and got over while hinting at a possible homosexual relationship, garnering mainstream publicity in the process.  

Billy got injured, however, and Chuck moved on to the Full Blooded Italians, another decent role for the man with the killer right hand.

A switch to Raw and humdrum gimmick change in 2004 led to him primarily wrestling on Heat before receiving his release after just a few months on the red brand. 

After dabbling on the indies and in Japan, WWE brought him back in March of 2006, but didn’t put him back on television until over a year later. 

When he returned, he did so as a biker dude who rode a chopper to the ring, flanked by Michelle McCool. 

Besides a feud with Jamie Noble, he did next-to-nothing on SmackDown and history repeated itself when he was released soon after being drafted to Raw, without wrestling a single match on WWE’s flagship show. 

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Written by Cultaholic