Andrew Yang Comments On WWE Taking Over Superstars' Twitch Accounts
Vince McMahon draws the ire of the former presidential candidate once again...
Oct 2, 2020
It emerged last night that WWE will be taking over their Superstars' Twitch channels in four weeks. The company will officially own the channels and talent will now only receive a percentage of the revenue they generate, as opposed to the full amount they currently receive. The changes have reportedly made Superstars "livid."
WWE talent aren't the only people livid, though, as Andrew Yang tweeted: "This would be infuriating to me if I had spent time building up my social media channels only to have WWE take them over from their 'independent contractors.' People are angry and rightfully so."
The former Democratic presidential candidate previously said he would work with a possible Biden administration to end the classification of WWE Superstars as independent contractors, and one WWE talent told Dave Meltzer they believe Vince McMahon has only added fuel to the fire with the latest changes.
They said: "This is amazing because it’s really going to open up the independent contractor issue. All these smart attorneys surrounding Vince and this is the battle he wants?"