
Becky Lynch On Her WWE Raw Women's Title Reign: Not All Stories Are Going To Be Home Runs

Not completely satisfied

While Becky Lynch would hold the Raw Women's Championship for a record-breaking 398 days following WrestleMania 35, many would agree that The Man's title reign was a mixed bag, from the difficult beginnings with Lacey Evans to the highs of her rivalry with Sasha Banks. 

Reflecting on her title reign with Ryan Satin on Out Of Character, Lynch admitted "not all the stories you have are gonna be home runs." 

"That was a little bit more difficult because, well, so I went from the main event of WrestleMania to then the next night, I had to make a star out of Lacey [Evans], and so then I was tasked with that. And that, you know, the audience didn't know her. And so that was hard because I'd gone from fighting from underneath to being the top star to then all of a sudden, I'm the top star, and now I've got to bring somebody else up with me. And the audience doesn't know her, and she was, you know, she hasn't wrestled for very long. And so that was hard doing that," Lynch began.

"And then finding the right opponents in that mix to go there. And then we went from Lacey to Sasha, and Sasha's so established and she's great, and the audience loves her, loves to hate her, they still liked me, and so I got a few good matches in there with her. But then it went into a weird tag team run with me and Charlotte [Flair] because they were trying to book both of us on top but we're opposing... there was some weirdness in there," she continued.

"Not all the stories you have are gonna be home runs, I suppose, is my point. There's gonna be some ones that don't hit. But the thing is, you try with everyone to have it be a home run. You're never going, 'Let me phone this story in. Who's this person? Don't care about her, the audience doesn't care about her, I don't care about her.' No, you've got to find a reason that you care, to make the audience care about them, and to try and make it be the best story that you can give, even if it's not gonna be the best story that you've ever had. You want every story to be the best story that you've ever had," Lynch added.

Looking at the reign as a whole, Lynch admitted she was satisfied with parts of it, namely the storylines with Asuka and Sasha Banks.

"I don't know if I'm ever satisfied with anything, really. I think I always look and go, 'Ah that could have been better, that could have been better.' But I'm satisfied with points of it. I go, oh the Sasha stuff was great. Oh, the Asuka stuff was great. Oh, the run-up to it was great," The Man noted.

H/T to WrestleZone

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Written by Aidan Gibbons

Editor-in-Chief of Cultaholic.com Twitter: @theaidangibbons