Charlotte Flair Comments on Intergender Wrestling In WWE
"I don’t think that needs to be a common thing..."

Mar 4, 2021
Charlotte Flair believes intergender wrestling has its place in WWE when used sporadically and for the right reasons, creatively, but does not want to see it become over-used.
Intergender wrestling has been rarely utilised by WWE since the Attitude Era but has make brief cameos in recent years, such as Nia Jax's involvement in the Men's Royal Rumble in 2019 and, more recently, Reginald being involved in the Smackdown Women's Championship scene, with Carmella's sommelier pinning Jax in a recent tag-team match.
Flair reckons there is a use for intergender wrestling when it helps to develop a storyline correctly, such as the recent example on Smackdown, but does not want to see it become commonplace in WWE or used at the expense of detailed storytelling in women's wrestling.
Speaking on the Swerve City Podcast, she said: "I don’t necessarily want or think that the women need to compete against the men but I do think in certain situations like with Reginald, did I say his name correctly? What he is doing with Sasha [Banks] is phenomenal but I don’t think that needs to be a common thing.
"It works with them and their storyline and him being Mella’s manager but to have intergender — it’s almost like how you [MyVerse, BattleRap artist] were saying when someone puts down your family or they use cheap pops in battling, sometimes I feel like for a woman to hit a man or a man to hit a woman, it’s not as creative as two women having to tell this story versus, like, ‘Oh my God, she just slapped him.'"
H/T Post Wrestling