Chelsea Green: Sending Tweet Got WWE To Drop Trademark Battle Over My Name

Green tweeted about the situation earlier this month

Chelsea Green believes sending out what she called a 'hasty tweet' is what got WWE to drop the trademark request on her legitimate name.

Green's name was trademarked by WWE during her time with the company for merchandising purposes but the former NXT star was released by the promotion earlier this year. 

Green, who has since appeared in IMPACT Wrestling and ROH, would then reveal the promotion had tried to once again register the trademark on what was her legitimate name in a post on social media. Not long after posting, WWE dropped their application. 

Green believes it was because of her tweet, and putting the situation into the public sphere, that WWE dropped the trademark battle.

Speaking on her Green With Envy podcast, she said: "Thank God for Twitter. because Twitter was the one that clued me into WWE attempting to trademark my name. When I worked for WWE and was about to re-sign a deal with them, I signed my name off to them for that period of time. That's a very normal thing to do in wrestling, nothing out of the ordinary, of course they're going to want my name for licensing purposes. It's not just on TV, it's on cards, video games, toys, merch.

Chelsea green tweet

"What was weird was the fact that, fast forward to over six months later. A reminder, I signed my deal in November 2020, fast forward to August 2021, and all of a sudden, this piece of paper I signed was being handed in as evidence for them to trademark 'Chelsea Green.' I obviously freaked out right away because if you take away the right for me to use my real name in the entertainment industry, I'm f**king screwed. It's my f**king name.

"I have no idea how much this trademark would have affected that, but I imagine it was not going to be good for me. I felt stuck, sad, and confused. I couldn't figure out why they wanted to take away my ability to make a livelihood. I was sad and I honestly, for a second, debated texting my old boss and asking what was going on.

"Instead of maybe doing the more grown-up thing, I decided to tweet. I don't usually send out hasty tweets, but I was extra emotional and we all make mistakes, so, I sent out a tweet.

"I guess that tweet did the trick because I ended up getting a call around 8 or 9 that night from WWE saying they were dropping the trademark request and that my name is all mine. It was a quick conversation, very civil, I obviously really appreciate that. I assume the tweet is what did the trick. I don't know."

H/T Fightful

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